Everything Was Fine Until You Asked About My Limp.

Tony Jones, M.A.
Age of Awareness
Published in
8 min readFeb 13, 2020


OK, this one is personal, but I promise that you can take something from it.

On July 2, 2017, my life changed forever. I won’t say that it changed for the good or the bad, but it changed for sure. That morning I experienced excruciating back pain that shot down my legs. I immediately dismissed it and assumed that it was just another sciatica episode, which I had experienced for the previous eleven years. For the next two days I would army crawl around the house, pull myself up to the toilet using my arms, all while thinking to myself how I…



Tony Jones, M.A.
Age of Awareness

Tony Jones is a freelance writer that covers race, culture, music, and sports across multiple platforms.